Wednesday, October 29, 2008

We have a winner!

Go Angel! I will be Alice in Wonderland for Halloween, although not as cute as Kenna. Believe it or not I was able to talk mom into making me an Alice dress. It is so cute although due to the high waist I will look like a prego Alice! Anywho, Angel you just won yourself some chocolate covered macadamia nuts!


MEGAN said...

Man! I totally should have guessed that. Oh well, good job Angel.

darinangel said...

Holy smokes!!!! I knew that is who you were giong to be, but I thought someone else must have guessed it because I have not had the internet until today. Lucky me!!! Thanks Katie.

daniel said...

who ever heard of an alice?

Mary W said...

If you stay long enough we might have a battle or button, button who's got the button.

Ruth said...

What happened to Australia? or Halloween?