Today for work I took a group of people for a tour of a Whole Foods Market. I loved everything about the place; the locally grown produce, Hawaiian caught seafood, the homemade Gelato, and of course all the “granolas.”
Back when I lived in Boise I decided one day that I wanted to be a granola. I got a grip when I realized that such a lifestyle would cost a pretty penny. And a penny I did not have, let alone a pretty one. But I could not help it. All these feelings of save the earth, save the polar bears, save a tree lead to me spending over $9 on two small homemade bars of soap. What? Sure, I like being green…but I would rather save the green, my green. Now if you’ll excuse me I’d like to finish my organic vanilla nonfat yogurt and locally grown strawberries.
P.S. I still have ambitions to become a bonafide “granola” but of the low budget variety. Stay tuned!