Yesterday Hawaii's first Target stores opened and one of them is near us! I was so excited I had to go on opening day. After driving there and finding no parking anywhere, not even on the street, I went home for a little bit and walked back. Yes, it was worth it(it's only a 25 minute walk). It's so big and beautiful too. I will not own up to how much I spent though.
Everything is perfect in Hawaii now...except we still need an Applebee's!
Must you always, constantly, make me envious? I used to live by four of them, now I have to travel two hours to get to one. BUT, we do have an Applebees!
I admit, I'm still trying to figure out the difference between target and kmart. we shall see.... by the way I changed my blog address, I'm not sure if I told you??? It's aolepilikia.blogpsot.com
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