Well, my fourth (and last) semester of nursing school is in full swing! It’s very surreal. It feels like only yesterday that I was at the nursing orientation two weeks before first semester. As I sat there I could not help but think “what the crap am I doing here? I can’t do this!” And now here I am starting IVs like an old pro, giving meds without a nurse over my shoulder, picking out a preceptorship, and planning our pinning ceremony with my classmates. I am so excited to be almost done and at the same time scared out of my mind. It will be a long time after I get my first nursing job that I will really feel comfortable, but I am looking forward to it.
For those of you who do not know much about nursing preceptorships I will explain. Most of the time it is referring to a 2 to 3 month period of working with a seasoned nurse at the beginning of your first job (a probation period). Here we have preceptor ships during school as well. Our finals will be mid October and then we will have about 96 hours one on one with a nurse (hopefully in the unit of our choice). My teacher will not know for sure what slots will be available to us till October. So I got on her “wish list” to be assigned to the ER. I have never really considered the ER before, but after spending this past Friday there during a 12 hour clinical, I have had a bit of a revelation. The ER would be a great place to get some more practical experience other than just giving meds (most of the time we are on the Med/Surg floor and that is all you really do…that and bed baths). Most people show up there with IVs, Foley’s, etc… already in place…boring! So if all goes well I will get in the ER and if after 96 hours I decide it’s not for me, fine. At least I will know for sure and I would have gotten some great technical skills.
I am very excited for the future and looking forward to seeing where my nursing career will take me!
(the chart above is of the 12 cranial nerves. I have to know then by number, name, and function for my next test. yuk!)