Christmas morning! This gift was my favorite, a framed
$20 bill.

After that we bowled 3 games.

Then we went hiking through a rainforest, down into the volcano!

Parts of the trail were really dark and creepy.

Mom pointing up to the rim of the crater. Actually it's a caldera, meaning
it's diameter is more than one mile.

It was freaky to see all these big rocks and realizing there could
be an earthquake at any moment and we'd be crushed!

This is a shot of the bottom of the caldera. Cool huh?!

Mom, amazed by the grandeur.

The path from this point on was marked with rock piles.

On the way back up. We did not bring water so we were struggling.

Back at the top. We walked all the way through the trees on
the floor. It was a very long hike but it was so worth it.